Wednesday, 13 November 2013

The skin I’m In-A first look at racism-Pat Thoma

Pat Thomas, The skin I’m In-A first look at racism, U.S.A: Barrons 2003, 29pp,ISBN 978-0-7641-2459-4
Age: 4-8
Rating: 3.5/5
“Imagine a world where only people with blue eyes could go to school, or a world where only people with brown eyes could get a job." The book begins with these words.                                                                        I gave it to my seven years-old  daughter to read, and her first question was “Mommy Is this really happening somewhere?”  And from here we start our conversation about culture, races, skin colour and more.
This book encourages kids to accept and be comfortable with differences of skin colour, religion, faith and other racial characteristics among their friends and in themselves. The book are written in simple and easy language that makes sense to young children, each page is accompanied by colorful illustrations that are helped to understand the text. This book does not directly refer to any particular race or culture, the illustrations show children of all backgrounds and ethnicities. This book provides definitions of culture, race and racists, and in the book during the reading, there are questions regarding race and fairness that children can ask them self and by providing the answer we as parents can see how much they understand from the subject and also start a dialog with them. The end of the book also contains an explanation of how to use the book, glossary, suggested additional reading, and a list of resource's page for teachers or parents to extend the learning that introduced in the book.
"A First Look At " is an easy-to-understand series of books for younger children, it was written by psychotherapist and child counselor Pet Thomas  it's educational books that handling with the important topic such as: disability, safety, death, anger, friendship and many more. Those books promote interaction among children, parents and teachers on personal, social and emotional issues.

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